Entries by admin

Competition Announcement 2021

25th Edition International Jazz Soloist Award Artistic Direction: MusiCamDo Jazz Founder: Paolo Piangiarelli Chief Judges: Stefano Di Battista Deadline for sending subscription: 2021 May, 16 Download the announcement, fill in the registration form on page 4 and send the requested material by email segreteria@musicamdo.it

XXIV Edition: List of Awards

1st place: Sophia Tomelleri (tenor sax) – Recording, mixing and mastering at Tube Recording Studio, promotion and distribution of the album by Emme Record Label 2nd place: Andrea Domenici (piano) 3rd place: Pietro Mirabassi (tenor sax) Nuovo IMAIE: Sophia Tomelleri (tenor sax) – an 8 concerts tour within the following 12 months Social Award: Giuseppe […]